
The cornerstone of the Bouwen Grupo is the team that makes up each of its companies. The sum of their talent makes it possible for Bouwen Grupo to face each of the challenges that our customers set us.

As we grow, we are constantly looking for talent in the various fields of engineering. We are looking for people to join teams in which to expand their knowledge and bring their experience to each project.

We promote the development of local talent thanks to the agreements we have with local universities to help engineering students complete their training in our companies.

The Bouwen Grupo has a knowledge platform to ensure the constant training of our team. Internally we promote mobility between the different projects and geographic locations where our customers need us.

The headquarters of the Bouwen Grupo companies are close to Valencia and easily accessible by road, providing our employees with a number of excellent options when it comes to choosing a place to live.

You can find out about the different vacancies available in the group’s companies through these links:
